About us

Cum a luat nastere acest magazin?

Calatoria noastra a inceput in anul 2019 in Marea Britanie din dorinta de a ajuta tehnicienele de acolo sa poata beneficia de produse calitative la un pret accesibil.
De la inceputul activitatii mele, obiectivul principal a fost sa oferim tuturor tehnicienelor produse de o calitate superioara.
Suntem o echipa tanara si dorim sa facem lucrurile diferit.
Fiecare produs pus la vanzare de catre noi este testat inainte de catre echipa noastra de tehniciene pentru a ne asigura ca produsele sunt de cea mai inalta calitate si ajuta in a usura si a scurta timpul de lucru al tehnicianului. 
Avand o cerere destul de mare din partea multor tehniciene, produsele Power se gasesc in ROMANIA PE www.eddabeauty.ro.

Punem accent pe comunicarea intre noi si clientele noastre, astfel echipa EDDA este bucuroasa sa va consulte in orice problema intampinata.

How this store was born?

Our journey began in 2019 in Great Britain with the desire to help the technicians there to benefit from quality products at an affordable price. From the beginning of my activity, the main objective was to offer all technicians products of superior quality. We are a young team and we want to do things differently. Every product put up for sale by us is tested beforehand by our team of technicians to ensure that the products are of the highest quality and help to ease and shorten the technician's working time. Having a fairly high demand from many technicians, Power products can be found in ROMANIA at www.eddabeauty.ro.

We emphasize communication between us and our clients, so the EDDA team is happy to consult you in any problem encountered.

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